Missed appointments are very frustrating for businesses across all sectors because they often don’t know until its too late to offer that appointment to another client or more worryingly a new customer.
Assigning a member of staff to make calls to check with customers they’re going to make the appointment, whilst making a great deal of sense is however quite labour intensive.
Info Quick have developed a text message appointment reminder application that enables the business to send reminders to any customers they feel need to be reminded and because the message asks them to confirm they will be attending then failure to reply means a follow up reminder is triggered to jolt the customers memory!
To see how this works in real time we have put together a demonstration and we will use the Estate Agent theme again in order to do this.
Imagine a Lettings Agent who manages hundreds of properties on behalf of multiple landlords. Three or four times a year they carry out an inspection of these properties to make sure there is no damage. A text message is sent to each Tenant around 10 days before the visit and that message asks them to confirm whether that date and time is acceptable.
If after 7 days they haven’t received a reply then a follow up reminder text message is automatically sent without the Agent having to manually trigger it!
To try the demo just enter your details making sure you use your actual mobile number then click on MEETING to reveal the message that’s going to be sent to you. When ready click SEND MEETING
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Submitting the above personal data will only allow Info Quick to contact you with information relevant to Info Quick services and we will NOT share your data with any third parties without your written consent

“We are getting increasingly concerned about the instances of online fraud and whilst we have not had any problems we cannot afford to be complacent!”
Now more than ever before businesses need to put in place authentication processes to make sure that the person they’re dealing with, whether that’s online or offline, is who they say they are! Adding another tier of security doesn’t have to cost a fortune and Info Quick can provide cost effective solutions.

“With so many of our staff working from home & customers communicating on social media, then we are concerned about them using their personal social media channels to engage with customers”
Consumers have become increasingly demanding and prefer to engage with a business through their favourite social media channel. Info Quick integrates both WhatsApp, Messenger and SMS into one bespoke communication and marketing platform that offer PAYG as well as subscription options!